Edouard de Beaumont
"C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
19 December 1849
Edouard de Beaumont
(French, 1821–1888)
- Title "C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
- Date 19 December 1849
- Medium Lithograph
sheet | 13 11/16 x 9 7/16 in.
- Credit line Gift of Eric G. Carlson in honor of Professor Elizabeth C. Childs, 2000
- Object number WU 2000.0054
Work type
This artwork record may be incomplete or need refinement. Our staff actively researches the collection and revises records when new information is available. If you have questions or comments about this record, please contact us.
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Edouard de Beaumont
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Edouard de Beaumont
"C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
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Alfred Le Petit
La République en danger: “L'amour (Thiers)—Laisse moi seuleument t’embrasser puisque je le jure que je n’aime que toi.” (The Republic in Danger: “Love [Thiers]—Just let me embrace you as I swear that you are the only one that I love.”), from La Charge
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Alfred Le Petit
Le porc des Tuileries: "Adieu, mon étoile!" (The Pig of the Tuileries: 'Farewell, my star!'), from La Charge
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Les nouveaux médecins de la République. (The new doctors of the Republic.), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
4 September 1849
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Charles Vernier
Les nouveaux médecins de la République. (The new doctors of the Republic.), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
4 September 1849
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Löhnungstag (Pay Day), from the portfolio Im Schatten (In the Shadows)
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