Unknown (French, 19th century)
Faites l'aumone au dernier de vos Rois (Béranger.) (Give Alms to your last king [Béranger.])
March 1848
Unknown (French, 19th century)
- Title Faites l'aumone au dernier de vos Rois (Béranger.) (Give Alms to your last king [Béranger.])
- Date March 1848
- Medium Lithograph
sheet | 12 3/8 x 9 1/2 in.
- Credit line Gift of Eric G. Carlson in honor of Professor Elizabeth C. Childs, 2000
- Object number WU 2000.0229
Work type
This artwork record may be incomplete or need refinement. Our staff actively researches the collection and revises records when new information is available. If you have questions or comments about this record, please contact us.
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